For the Love of Data
by For the Love of Data
Since Oct 19, 2015 04:53 UTC
For the Love of Data is a monthly podcast devoted to all things data from industry news, new products, and cool data visualizations. Host Robert Furr and others hold discussions, interviews, reviews, and arguements to determine where the information technology industry is heading, with an emphasis on Business Intelligence (BI), Information Management (IM), and data analytics. Topics like data science, analytics, strategy, and governance are just a few of the topics on the table. SQL, NoSQL, Tableau, R, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server… these are just a few of many tools we will noodle on during each episode. Announcement: Celebrating FTLOD’s 3 year anniversary this month Covered a diverse range of topics from BBQ and chocolate to alogorithms and graph databases Future episodes will be much more ad-hoc and when I come across a topic that is interesting Please stay subscribed Please reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn to let me know what […]
Categories: Technology
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